In this magical brain game, your task is to find identical cards. Help the young apprentice to become a true magician and try to beat 60 challenging levels!
Your goal in this addictive puzzle game is to score as many points as possible. Drop cute animal blocks on the game field and try to create full vertical or horizontal lines. As so [...]
Guide the wizard through 50 difficult Mahjong levels, while acting as his magic helper. To finish the game with 3 stars in each level, you need to combine power-ups with your skill [...]
You task in this cute puzzle game is to connect little monster buddies. Make sure that every hand touches another monster's hand, watch out for obstacles and master 30 challenging [...]
Your task in this cute physics puzzle is to get the ball of wool to the cat so it can play with it. Can you make the kitty happy and collect all three coins in every level?